Mevlana Jelalledin Rumi, the sufi saint of old Persian that wrote famous religious of Persian literature, Masnavi. The Masnavi was written in Persian, is one of the best known and most influential as sufism Persian literature. Masnavi contents of more than 50,000 lines and 424 stories that illustrate one's predicament in his search for God. Mevlana Rumi himself referred to the Masnavi as "the roots of the roots of the roots of (Islam)religion. The first complet translation of the Masnavi into English was publish by Reynold A Nicholson ( 1925 and 1940). Herewith , the cites below : Seek A Friend of God (part three) Mathnawi II: 56-80 56 The spirit1 is a companion with (spiritual) knowledge and the discerning intellect. The spirit has no occupation with (languages such as) Arabic and Turkish. Both the asserter of (Your Transcendent) unity2 and the asserter of (Your Immanent) similarity (to created qualities)3 are amazed by You-- O (You4 who are) devoid of image5 and (yet mani...