
Showing posts from April, 2010


KONSERVASI LAHAN RAWA GALAM DI KALIMANTAN SELATAN, SANGAT MENDESAK (Sebuah Tinjauan Ekologis) Oleh :   MUNANDAR dan RINI HARTATI Rawa gambut berkurang, Kota Banjarmasin dan sekitarnya terancam Kalimantan Selatan perlu segera mengatur  dengan  jelas segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan makin terbatasnya lahan rawa akibat  desakan pesatnya pengembangan infrastruktur pembangunan dan pengembangan ketahanan pangan. Lahan rawa gambut di Kalimantan Selatan  dijumpai di Kabupaten Barito Kuala, Kabupaten Banjar, Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kabupaten Tapin dan Kota Banjarbaru. Vegetasi kawasan ini banyak didominasi oleh jenis kayu galam  ( Melaleuca cajuputi ) yang  tumbuh secara alami. Jenis flora pohon ini  membentuk adaptasi terhadap lingkungan rawa, air tawar yang pada umumnya memiliki pH rendah (3–5) dan kurang subur membentuk sosok hutan rawa galam. Sekilas hutan rawa galam dikawasan ini seperti lahan terlantar yang tidak berharga. Lahan ini mempunya...

RESSAK (Vatica sp) The important species in lowland Tropical Rainforest

Background The high of biodiversity of both plants and trees is the special charateristic of  tropical forest ecosystems. The high intensity of rainfall and humidity as well as seasonal differences that  caused many species can grow well in tropical forests. One of many important trees in the tropical rainforest of Indonesia is a sub family of Dipterocarpaceae. The  Dipterocarpaceae. divided into 13 genera, 470 species. Among the 13 generas 9 of them are in Indonesia, namely Shorea, Dipterocarpus, Dryoblanops, Hopea, Vatica, Cotylelobium melanoxylon, Parashorea, Anisoptera and Upuna. Since the 1970s, the era of exploitation of timber harvesting in forests outside Java were  very intensively done by the concession holders, the most sold out of this plant as a commercial commodity in wood market all over the world can be said it was out of control. Almost all types of Dipterocarpaceae is the most hunted wood to meet the demand for wood is caused it became scarcity O...