By: Munandar
Preserving the forest area as well as conservation of protected areas has spent great amount of funds, but the results have not been encouraging so far. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 32 Year 2004 about Local Government essentially gives flexibility for elaborating sources of development base on characteristic own to get development goals. This initiative allows local governments explore the sources of new financing for the construction of development.
Payment for Ecosystems Services (PES)

PES can be said of the compensation money to substitute for environmental goods and services (including forests) that have been used by humans. Ecosystems Services (ES) itself according to the report of Millennium Ecosystems Assessment (MEA: 2005), can be recognized as a support, provision, regulation and cultural services for the environment is inherent to human life. Support can be a rotation of the food chains, the building of soil formation . Provision include the source of nutrients, the availability of clean water, wood and fiber and various raw materials for production activities. Regulations, including the climate system, flood control, disease control and water filters. Cultural services can be described such as beauty, spiritual, education and recreation. In one sense, the existence of environmental resources are limited, but direct or indirect function rolling and irreplaceable. The world economies will soon collapse without fertile soil, clean water, healthy air to breathe, and the climate is suitable for food production.
For instances is water, the ecological interactions between forest area as a zone in the upper as catchment area and water absorption in the lower region as a region downstream water use is very closely related. Furthermore, poor distribution in addition to the inefficiency caused shortages of water allocations between regions has shifted the initial presence of water as public goods to private goods. Article 25 of Law No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources set a Water Resources Conservation held them in rivers, reservoirs, water catchment areas, nature reserves, conservation areas, forests and coastal areas.. Unfortunately in article 77 of this chapter financing decision not regulate the cost of water resource conservation.
Consequently, efforts to keep the source and create a sustainable water management should be the responsibility of the government and local government which they are laying in areas along the river basin (DAS). As a commodity that can say half and half of public goods private goods that are traded, it is necessary that private sector must take greater apart than today.

Forest, GDP and PES
Forestry Sub-Sector contribution to national economic growth has been calculated only from the Value Added of goods and services of forest products as a direct benefit of timber and non timber forest products. It is considered too low and false as shown in the Gross Domestic Product. This calculation is resulted in increasingly strong assumption that the forest area will increase its economic value if it worked as an extension of land or plantation agriculture. It is a very serious threat not only to the existence of forests but also the lives of human environmental ecosystem.
What is the actual value of environmental services for backing human life up? There are no basic research on this. Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES). One of the initial effort is to calculate the global rent. The team of researchers from the United States, Argentina, and the Netherlands have put the benchmark average price of U.S. $ 33 trillion per year for the basic values of ecosystem services (Costanza. 1997.) An initial approach, but can be a reference further analysis for the improvement of the country's economy, especially related to the environment. Some have admitted this calculation logic, but does not reflect the overall price of environmental services. In reality must be understood that there are moral values, ethics and aesthetics to assess and protect nature-related benefits to world economies. The most obvious is that the value of environmental service provision does not fit with the economic calculus present. Much of the economic benefits the environment outside the usual market economy. environmental services are public goods is very large role, but hard to count in units of money. knows the impact human activities in the process of forest ecological interactions, an effective conservation measures are very important to be developed. Each act of driving requires much money. To save the values contained in a forest environment is very large, certainly requires a greater cost. Where funds should be provided?. As goods and public services the Government should be the main leader. However, with production starting role, especially in the dominant water use, the role of the private sector must become larger. Minimum risk and business continuity arrangements for water purification is a matter of forest drinking water standard should be a primary consideration for the company's Drinking Water and Drinking Water in containers to contribute to the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES).


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